maandag 28 mei 2012

"A mission defines the rationale of an organization and answers the question: Why do we do what we do? 'Mission is timeless, but applying it to a specific time. A mission is not constantly under discussion".

The Family Network is a consortium of families that have decided through a network together to capitalize on the greatest shift of capital in the history of mankind, "the privatization of the energy and telecom market." We have joined our efforts so that all families involved are mutually interdependent. By forming a network we create a strong international collective where borders, politics & religion from the State. We collectively recognize that there are many proffesionals in industries that are dumped after years of hard work because it is less with the economy. We also see a magnifying trend in the fact that 50 + unceremoniously fired because they are too expensive. Also there are many highly educated young people who do not find work despite years invested to have a once-respected paper. Conclusion: We are a well-established network of experienced entrepreneurs to others in society who have no experience in building a passive income, there side by side to accompany in addition to what they do now. We call this building your plan B next to your Plan A. Our mission is to help as many people to have a strong plan B so that fewer families will get hit hard by the current and future economic developments.


"A vision is a consistent look to the future and gives the desired situation. It is like a picture of the situation that the organization pursues. In forming a vision repair thinking a trap. Whoever the vision formulated, must detach themselves from reality. A vision is "unrealistic daydreams".

Because the vision of our leaders is to help people as much as possible, we have created an environment in which resources, knowledge and time become shared. Our vision is to create more value for our customers and our partners. This critical look at how we work ethics and empathy into practice can be more productive while the exponential growth can continue. As an organization, we strive for the year 2013/2014 committed to the absolute summit of belonging within our industry. The year 2015/2016 will be the year in which we are world-class. With further expansion into Asia and South America, we are literally at the beginning of the beginning and there again early. It does not matter where you come from but where you want to go.

To our success,

The Family Network

                                                    ACN Business Presentation NL
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                                    vertegenwoordigersovereenkomst (Nederland) 
                                  Sponsorgegevens Team-ID sponsor : 8070068591  





                                                   Acn Business Presentation (uk)

                                                     Click here >> The Acn story 

                                       Representative Agreement (United Kingdom only) 

                                 Sponsor Information Sponsor Rep Team ID : 8070068591 


                                                    ACN  Business Prestentation

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                               Contrat de Représentant  (France)

                 informations concernant le Parrain Nr d’Identifiant  du parrain : 8070068591


                     By the way make sure you check this video as well to see the exact system.
                     In my opinion this dude has one of the best  story s and outlooks on life.
                     Not to mention his insane ability to not make money but help average
                     people to do the same.
                     I want to forward you one of his video s today so just know what i mean.
                     It was 2011 and i had just built my first successful ever...

                     I was making about $3000   a month - all old school.
                     Home parties , 3 ways calls , conference calls , and hotel meetings.
                     I had about 500 people in my team, and 20 people working , i felt like
                     I was about to break through .
                     We had a conference call, where the trainer
                     (a multi million dollar earner ) was going to teach ou team seccret .
                     The Secret to Duplication .

                     I was hungry .

                     I wanted so badly to go from making $3000  a mont to $30.000
                    I knew the key was duplication.

                    Have you ever felt like that ? if you could just find the Secret Strategy
                    That wil unlock your business ?
                    On the conference call, the trainer taught us all how to do 3 way calls , and
                    how even a dog witcch a note in his mouth could succeed with One
                    simple strategy ....



                                                           Video phone Digital x
                                              >>     Http://

ACN Digital Phone Service - Videophone
If a picture can be worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million! With the ACN Videophone you can take your calls to another level and see the person you are talking to.

Fantastic Digital Phone Service call rates
• Unlimited calls to all ACN Digital Phone Service customers worldwide (this includes both ACN Videophone and ACN Phone Adaptor customers)
• National calling to Fixed Lines at no additional cost


Features ACN Iris X Videophone
• 7” touch screen
• Wi-Fi
• High definition audio
• 3-Way Audio calling
• Improved video quality
• Comes with built-in apps that can be personalised

• Pre-loaded with apps and games including:
Facebook / Twitter / Movie trailers / Photo album / Photo viewer / Weather / World clock / Media player
• Expanded Connectivity options:
Dual USB ports / Multiple Flash memory card formats / Headset jack / HDMI TV Out compatibility.
ACN Digital Phone Service - Phone Adaptor
Communicate via the internet while taking advantage of significant call savings!
Fantastic Digital Phone Service call rates
• Unlimited calls to all ACN Digital Phone Service customers worldwide (this includes both ACN Videophone and ACN Phone Adaptor customers)
• National calling to Fixed Lines at no additional cost.

Easy to install device that works with traditional phones
Connect the ACN Phone Adaptor to your router and telephone. This will enable you to use your telephone the same way you did before while benefiting from ACN’s low rates!
Keep enjoying the traditional telephone functions
Call Waiting, 3-Way Conferencing, Number Display (Caller ID), Speed Dial, Call Forwarding and Voicemail.

                                        United States About ACN CLICK HERE !!

                                     ACN Independent Business Owner Agreement USA!!

                               Sponsor Information Sponsor Rep Team ID : 8070068591

"We do not reinvent the wheel to find out, the wheel turns all, learn from the best in the world how".

Leadership                                        George Zalucki
Sponsorship                                        Art Napolitano
Resources                                          Art Napolitano
Momentum                                            Jonas Rappe


                                                      >>>  ACN Businesstools Europa




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